Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Progress bar

These are very exciting times. The end of the world is only months away so I've been hard at work making vizz for the future time / apocalypse. A special Smearballs -show- project development has been funded and sparked with a flame lit under its ass. It is pretty top secret ssshhhhhit. I hope to complete prototype beta episode -0.529 by May something something. I've also been helping the TV Sheriff & co. on a project of his which is so confidential & hypersensative I need a security level DX47 just to think about it . We had a great shoot this weekend in the desert / Antelope valley. Checked out some top secret military bases & an aviation boneyard. Predator aircraft were circling the skies overhead. God damn reptillian scum. Fun times on the west coast bitches!