Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meet my new friend - Bent el Fawaz

 She is my new friend and partner, her name is Bent el Fawaz. Isn't she gorgeous?
 Ineeded something to make me smile and to know how to show her love but without to stress me  as my dog does.

 I bought her on 8 March -on women's day as a gift for my mother with other 2 flowers.I waited this day so much because i needed a special occassion to buy the rabbit. I knew she doesn't agree for a new animal so i made her a gift because she couldn't have refused it but anyways she is very happy and all the family love her so much.

 Last night i tried to sleep with her on my neck but she made pee on me lool....she loves to stay in my hair and she always hides in it.

Enjoy the photos !